Bikini Hair Removal: Learn the Truth

Bikini hair removal often gets a bad rap. People think that the only way to effectively get their bikini hair removed is by getting the area waxed. There are other ways to get rid of this hair during swimsuit season. Even if you choose waxing, it's not that painful. Before you decide to forgo bikini hair removal all together, take a moment to explore your options.

Shaving and Tweezing

Shaving and tweezing seem to be the most common bikini hair removal processes. Both of these processes are quick, cheap and easy to do at home. Both of these options are fine, but shaving is a tad more realistic. Tweezing is most effective when you have a few stray hairs. Tweezing an entire bikini area may simply take too long.

Shaving is a fine option however, if you shave your bikini line frequently, be prepared to deal with ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs look like little red dots and they can be painful. These occurs when the hair is bluntly cut and can't make its way through the skin. If you plan on spending a lot of time in a swimming suit, you might want to take a pass on shaving and consider getting waxed or undergoing laser hair removal treatments.


Waxing is a very effective means of bikini removal. Waxing this area doesn't take that long because it's a small area of the body. It also doesn't hurt too badly, especially if you've done it a few times. If you're going to get this area waxed, go to a professional. They'll remove the hair in the most effective, painless way possible. Waxing lasts several weeks longer than shaving and doesn't usually include nasty red bumps from ingrown hairs.

Waxing is a bit more expensive than shaving. It costs roughly $40-$60 to get your bikini area waxed. Ask friends and family if they can recommend a hair specialist for this treatment. This will ensure that you go to a well respected salon.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is the most permanent means of bikini hair removal. Usually you have to get at least three treatments but, when they're finished, your hair will probably never grow back. This is a great option for someone who really spends a lot of time in swimming suits or just doesn't like hair. This process is much more expensive (roughly $450 a treatment), but it is the most effective form of bikini hair removal.