Is Laser Hair Removal Connecticut Better?

Laser hair removal Connecticut provides many benefits to the traditional hair removal methods. It also has a benefit over the older laser hair removal methods that use an intense light pulse method. Treat larger areas at a time quickly, with long lasting results, anywhere on your body.

Older laser hair removal methods use the intense pulse light system which uses short wavelength lasers. They produce good results, however, the laser energy scatters and are absorbed in the top few millimeters of the skin. This leaves for some hairs to be permanently removed while you have to go back for several treatments for the other hairs that grow deeper. They use a new Cool Glide laser hair removal system that uses the longest wavelength possible. This procedure can remove hair with even the deepest toots up to six millimeters below the surface of the skin. This means it is a more successful treatment than the traditional methods of laser hair removal. You don't have to return as many times for repeating treatments and some people don't need to come back at all.

The benefits of using the Cool Glide laser system is that larger areas can now be treated for hair removal with less discomfort from methods like tweezing, waxing, and electrolysis. Not only is there less discomfort but the Cool Glide system works quickly to remove hair while you remain comfortable during the procedure. In addition, this is a permanent method of laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal Connecticut can be done anywhere on the body where you have hair that is unwanted. Don't be bothered with unwanted hair or a uni-brow. Have it removed permanently. No more plucking and tweezing for hours. Get rid of those unwanted hairs forever with a safe and fast method. You also can have your legs done so you never have to shave again. Think about it.

Laser hair removal Connecticut uses the Cool Glide system that does a much better job than the traditional methods of laser hair removal. Be in comfort and get the job done right the first time with this system.