Laser Hair Removal Equipment: What Are The Options?

Today's laser hair removal equipment offers permanent hair removal and can also be used for much more than removing hair. The quality of these machines and advanced technologies allows for removal of spider veins, tattoos, lesions, wrinkles, and rejuvenating the skin's surface.

The advanced technology today of equipment used today for hair removal are systems used with an infrared light source. This provides a pulsing light source that kills the hair follicle upon contact. Some of these machines can kill up to 100 hair follicles at a time. This makes the process of hair removal fast if you are having a large area of hair removed. Many of these machines have built in cooling and calibration during contact of the skin's surface. This keeps the skin cooled to prevent burning that could happen during a treatment. Safety eyewear is provided with most of the systems. The machines include the software needed which will allow to keep track of all patient data and records. Up to thousands of patients can be loaded into the system and analyzed for future use and comparison. This software allows for learning more about the skin and improving each treatment for every patient. Full training is provided by most manufacturers of laser hair removal equipment to ensure your technicians are using the devices properly. This will allow for your patient numbers to increase and for the safety of your patients.

With the new and advancing technologies today, this equipment can be used for much more than just hair removal. Tattoos can be removed with several treatments over time. Skin can be rejuvenated, sunspots removed, blemishes, and more. Wrinkles can be eliminated; leg and spider veins can be zapped away making your legs look much more appealing. Unsightly lesions can be removed and treated.

Laser hair removal equipment is a wise investment today because of all of the options you have with treating patients. You are not limited in your business by only removing hair. Today, you can remove tattoos, skin rejuvenation, remove wrinkles, and more. The technologies today of the advancing systems of hair removal have opened the market for more. Less pain and more safety for the patients too.