Laser Hair Removal Side Effects: Are They Serious?

Laser hair removal side effects usually last for a few hours. In rare cases, they have lasted for months or were permanent to the patient. When you make a decision to have any treatment on your body like laser hair removal, you are always taking a risk of being susceptible to something. There are many factors to consider and how important is having your hair removed permanently to take the risk of the side effects?

If the technician is not experienced, they might apply an uneven application of the laser to your skin. This can cause striping, or it will be very clear when looking at the area of skin treated where the laser was applied. Side effects can include changes in the texture of your skin to being much coarser. The treated area might create painful blisters that can become infected. There have been cases of skin discoloration. Some people have had problems with their skin lightened while others skin on the treated area is showing darker. Crusting or scabbing can occur in the treated area. You also are taking the risk of being burned. It is a laser being used to kill the follicles. Usually, when you are finished with a treatment, you walk away smelling like burned hair. Also, when you are receiving a laser hair removal treatment, you are opening yourself up to infection by introducing bacteria to your pores and hair follicles. The lasers used today minimize this risk, but the risk is there.

The side effects usually happen to people who are not light skinned and who don't have dark hair. The two qualities contrast each other making the laser hair removal rather successful with these two factors. It is also important to follow the instructions by the technician for before and after care like avoiding tanning and sunlight, use lotions, don't pick and scratch or scrub no plucking or waxing between treatments etc.

Laser hair removal side effects can be permanent at the fault of a technician or yourself. Ensure you are following the instructions or precare and after care properly to minimize any side effects that could be caused by you. Make sure the technician doing your treatment is credible and qualified. This can ensure the best outcome of your hair removal.