Male Pubic Hair Removal: Finding Reasonable Methods

Male pubic hair removal is a touchy subject for many men, even those who want to get rid of their hair. It's generally recommended that male pubic hair removal not include the hair on the male genitals. The male genitals are extremely sensitive so it can be extremely painful for men to get rid of hair in this area.

Keeping it Trim

Men don't have to shave their bikini line like women do. However, many men like to keep their nether region tidy. A good way to do this is by trimming the pubic area. This means shaving or waxing the area around the private parts. This is the area where men have most of their pubic hair. This area is also a lot less painful to de-hair than the genitals.

Men can use razors or wax to get rid of this hair. If you decide to use a razor, before you engage in your first shave, trim the hair first. This will prevent the razor from tugging on the hair. Though this isn't too painful, it can be annoying. Also, if you're using a razor, be liberal with your shaving cream. Shaving cream will prevent you from cutting yourself.

Waxing is another pubic hair removal process for men. Waxing can be done by a professional or at home. Basically hot wax is applied to the hairy area. Then cloth or paper strips are placed on the wax. The wax and the hair are then yanked off. Waxing will keep the hair away for much longer than a shave.

What to Stay Away From

As mentioned before, men should generally stay away from getting the hair on their actual genitals removed. The most common way to remove hair on a male's genitals is by using a hot wax treatment. When this treatment is applied, the male scrotum is stretched out. Then, when the wax is pulled off, the scrotum stretches even further while hair is being yanked out. Many men have no interest in this painful experience.

Another thing you should stay away from is hair removal cream. Hair removal cream is great for less sensitive parts of the body, such as your legs, but it is not good for the genital area. The chemicals in these creams can irritate your skin.

Male pubic hair removal can be done, but you need to be extremely careful when getting rid of the hair.